Engineers Week - Waterproof Electronics
All-Weather Innovation: Waterproof Electronics
A major advancement in the world of RC was the introduction of waterproof electronics. We take this for granted now, but it wasn’t long ago that RC off-roading was strictly limited to dry conditions. Blasting across a stream, shredding in snow, making a mess in the mud—all that fun stuff was off limits. Traxxas engineers took this as a challenge, and developed the industry’s first-ever ready-to-run models with waterproof electronics. When the design brief was set down for the ‘2.0’ E-Maxx®, it included the opportunity to develop a waterproof solution to open the doors to all the things that drivers want to do with a 4X4 monster truck.

While waterproofing servos and speed controls was relatively easy, the receiver was the real challenge. Standard system have exposed contacts for the component’s plugs to interface with, creating a real challenge for the team. The solution was inspired: instead of waterproofing the receiver itself, put it in a waterproof enclosure. The concept is deceptively simple—‘put the receiver in a box’—but designing a box with waterproofed exits for the antenna and wires, that could easily be opened and closed, would prove to be a challenge. The solution was a patented design featuring a captured o-ring seal and the unique “wire clamp” concept. The foam seals integrated in the box work well, and can be replaced if it is ever needed.
The next time you blast a puddle or ford a stream with your favorite Traxxas model, remember the days before that was commonplace and thank an engineer this EWeek! Be sure to visit our wet weather maintenance guide to make sure your model stays in top shape after!